Friday, July 21, 2006

I Often Wonder

I often wonder how the stars above
Could allow me to fall for someone that I could never have
Somebody who’s already not free
And no longer capable of loving me

I often wonder how the sky could still smile
When my heart is breaking all the same while
When the pain is too much to bear
When life is cruel and so unfair

I often wonder how the flowers could still bloom
When my world is bleak and covered in gloom
When my senses are dulled and the colors gone
When I could neither face tomorrow nor could I run

I often wonder how the sun could still shine
When I have to accept the truth that you can never be mine
When my tears are dried up and I can no longer cry
When although I still love you, I have to say goodbye

I often wonder how all of these will end
Will my prayers be heard?
Or I’ll just have another broken heart to mend
I often wonder.

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